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Training Methods

There is no question that technology has changed how the world works. Tasks that used to take months now only take mere days or hours to complete. Most jobs need experience with the use of computers. Even something as seemingly slight as changing positions within a company, comes with a whole different set of skills to learn.

For an employer, training employees becomes expensive. A new hiree requires policy, job-specific, and specialty software training. A current employee needs no training in company policies, but other instruction remains. Productivity for staff is essential, so bosses must choose the right styles.

Classroom Training

A classic method, classroom training remains popular. An instructor teaches the classroom part of the learning. Certification or experience qualifies an instructor as a topic expert.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are many advantages to this type of training. Students ask teachers questions when confused with the material. Management budgets money for a specific number of students. Relationships built between faculty and attendees are easy. Cost and time are the disadvantages. Set numbers cannot adjust for more attendees, so more sessions become necessary. This problem means higher prices for materials, venues, and instructor fees.

Interactive Training

Interactive training adds activities to lectures to create a more involved learning experience. These activities can be simulations, sketches, quizzes, or even role play. Interactivity interests learners who may find classic lecturing uninteresting.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Increased involvement with trainees is the advantage of this method. Trainees practice learned skills in a safe zone with instant feedback from trainers. This method can often be dull and slow without enough teachers. It may not be right for trainees who are not comfortable being the center of attention in a group setting.

On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training has trainees work in real situations to learn skills needed for a new job. Call centers often use this by placing new workers onto calls as soon as possible. Many employees prefer this type of training due to being active and actual reactions. Supervisors see correct procedures established unmarred by bad habits.

Advantages and Disadvantages

On-the-job training is fast. It deals with real-world problems and the actual response as required by policy. This method needs constant guidance for trainees until they have it right. Decreased supervision creates problems as missing skills affect real customers.

Coaching Method

Finally, there is the coaching and mentoring method. Senior employees aid their juniors by answering questions and building a relationship.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Coaching does more than aid new hires in learning about their job; it improves leadership qualities in senior employees for future management roles. Coaching also helps employers build workers with similar skills. Unfortunately, coaches help others in exchange for losing their productivity.


These training processes are not limited to job training. Their use is compatible with learning new skills and knowledge. For example, these methods also apply when you are trading.